Wednesday, February 6, 2019

A TetheredRapidBoarder's Understanding Of Back Flows & Pressure Release

TetheredRapidBoarding Spot

 Diagram A

Diagram A Descriptions:

A. Center Pressure Flow From A Bottle Neck Creating A Set Of Rapids.

B. Back Flows That Flow Up River  As A Release Of Pressure From The Center Off Of Two Points.

Back Flow Pressure Release Valve

 Diagram B

Diagram B Description

A. The Longer The Center Flow Goes Through A Pipe The More Pressure Will Build Up.

Written Summary

     A TetheredRapidBoarder Uses The Center Of Current; Where The Pressure Is Greatest To Stretch Back River. They Use Back Flows To Rise Up River And Time Their Body Movements To The Motions Of The RapidSurf. The Spacing Between The Tops Of The RapidSurf Is Measured Out In Cubits And A Good TetheredRapidBoarder Spot Is From 20 To 30 Cubits. Bigger Is Better, More Pressure To Defy.

  How A TetheredRapidBoarder Relates To The Aspects Of Pressure In Water Management Is Spacing In Timing Of Movement Of Pressure In Motion. For Example We Know That Depth In A TetheredRapidBoarding Spot Sustains & Dissipates Pressure From Top To Bottom Of Depth With Its Strongest Point At Its Center; Just Like The Turbines Of A Dam Being Placed Underneath To Sustain The Volatility Of The Pressure Of The Electricity Created. Just So Is The More Distance Traveled Up River The More Each Gap Between The Tops Of The RapidSurf Relieves Pressure Like Every 20 Feet Within A Hundred Feet Would Be A Back Pressure Release Valve For A Long 100 Foot Pipe Depending On Diameter. Here Is A Good Place To Get More Specifics On Energy Creation Calculations:  

Saturday, July 8, 2017

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