Monday, March 16, 2015

Fire Blue Heron Soul Shepherd O Go Story

The Writers Wits In Lines Cunning More The Matter Of River Coinciding Sword Beaked Into Inner Fire And Water Extension Goes Heads In Unison Of The Rapids Soul Uprising Goes The Fire Blue Heron King Fisher Soul Shepherd O Go. All Through The River Steep Climbing River Island Flowing Trees Towers Piercing The Sky Upward Beneath The Belly Of The Earth. Swallowing Whole Blue Fire Uprising Beneath The Water Pouring On While Ladies Rivers Sits In Between The Shore On Him All While Uprising Through The River He Dives Heart-Ward Soul Centered Gracious Glide Piercing Beneath His Limbs Of O Go The Lady River Flows Like A Trees Dance Safely Encompassing The Piercing Heart Beat Inner River Drum Timing Of The River Unison Goes The Rising River Island Towers Flowing Trees Towers Catching Soul Realization In Body Motion Timing In Unison With The Fire Within Flies His Soul Uprising Most Kingly Rising Into Honey Drips Horizon In Between Sunlight Golden Trees Topped Hill Cheeks Tongues Lapping Pure Waters Of Life Coming Through Roaring Rapids In Unison With Ladies Rivers Swallowing Whole Returning The Favor In This Soul Concoction Into Each Other Body Chemistry Rivers Flowing Worlds Knowing Of The Roaring Rapid River Deep Into One Another. Worlds Within Worlds. River Drops Within River Drops. Body's And Body's Joining. River Drops Within River Drops. No Panic When Worlds Seem Apart In Nature From Humanity When All Relate To The Nature In The Surroundings Or They Wouldn't Be In Them The Same With Human Nature. The Soul O Flowing O Go So Flights Over Seeing Visage In Between Hill Tops Flowing; Flowing Into Tree Tops On The Horizon In Between Nature, Light, Dark, And Humanity. River Cavern Lights Playing Shadows On The Wall Where Connections Are Growing, Concoctions Are Sewing The Sky Through The River Deep Rapids Roar Needlepoint Water Beneath Threading Sky Light Horizon Meeting Each Other Knowing More And More About Each Other Through The Passion Of The Soul As Rivers Move Along. Sewing The Sheets Of The Sky Blanketing The Visage To Grasp What The Soul O Flow Implanting Circular Motion Thrusting Forward Allows Us To See Up River Into The Horizon In Between The River Gleaming Eyes Glistening Beneath The Roaring Rapids River Deep Gaps Over We Rise In Sweet Rivers Thighs Limbs Into Shore. The Story Before The Lights Beginnings River Caverns Rising Into Pan's Rising Amorous Affections. Shepherding The Lights That Pass Through The Openings Beneath The River Caverns Unruly Procreation Surging River Nature. The God Of River Shepherds Pan; Meets And Communicates With Fire Blue Heron Soul Shepherd O Go, All Gods And Goddesses Meet Through Nature. Hear These Woo's Of The Universal River Titan Gaia Reed Piper Earth Wisdom Soothing The River Flocks, Droplets Affections. The Tears Of The Beasts Soothed Humanity In Nature. The Giants Tears Form Roaring Rapid River Deeps Knowing Through This Sport Of Tethered River Board Rapid Surfing; Connecting The Tether Together In Nature To The Shore In Humanity. Split Between Hermes His Father And His Mother Nymph, Penelope, His Love For The River Reed Nymph Syrinx Who Was Made So By Gaia Who Turned Her Into The River Reeds From Which Pan Made His River Reed Pipe His Tunes; Youthful Woo's And Woes A Loss Of His Love In His Tune. Gaia, She Turned His Nymph Into River Reeds From Which Now He Pipes His Tunes; Youthful Woo's And Woes. Pan Becomes Panic Of The Modern Worlds Sacrifice Of Youth For Greed And Glory,Youthful Woo's And Woes. The Soul Calls The Wild Back To Itself Reflected In The Roaring Rapids River Deep Gaps The Playful Youths Sacred To The Soul Swimming Holes Beginnings. Natures Playful Confounding Essence In Humanity. This Fire Blue Heron Soul O Go Shepherd Witnesses His Story In All Lifeforms Of The Earth In Remembering The Balance Of Nature In Humanity The Swimming Bird, Fish's Out Destiny From Blue Soul Fire Depths Up River Into Soul Nourishing Flights Amidst The Roaring Rapids, How Did We Get Here In This Wild Rapids Dance When New Life Forms Consummated Beginnings. Tether Together The Winding River Fates Carving Will To Not Put Beaked Swords Down Unless Into The Gaps To Swing Out And Rise Up The Ride. Creativity Into One Another In Flights Over Depths Nourishing The Soul Riding Through Chaotic Profusion Of New Beginnings To Not Put Down The Sword Unless Into River Depths. The Writers Wits Sword Beaked Words Will Win Bodies Still Steeped Coincide In The Way Of The Ride, Actions Before Words To Be A Part Of The Making Of Worlds Within Worlds Riding River Rides Coinciding To Make And Ride This River Walker Vision Quest From The Roaring Rapid River Deep. The Fire Blue Heron Soul O Go Shepherd Bringer Of The River Deep Wisdom Soul Depths To The River Walker Tribes River Wild Rapids Dance Up River. The Free Enterprise River Ruler Entertainment Employee Owned Franchise Sports World River Trade Charter For Tribal Business Development To Stand Down The Tyranny Of Those Who Speak Without Doing On The Backs Of The River People. He That Will Negate And Prevent Corruption And Money Laundering Of River Business Products And Services Being Misrepresented. Few Will Defeat Many With Truth And Honor In River Community Asset Backed Securities Issuers Warranted Actions. Give Us The Ones That Do Everything As Leadership Rather Than The Ones That Talk Out Their Asses About Everything In A Circle Jerk. Let Heed The Ones That Cooperate Within River Civilizations Both Urban And Tribal For Affiliated Transactions And Joint Transactions. The Will Of The River People Unbroken And Unyoked By Ransacking Hoards Will Be The Roaring Rapids River Deeps Advisory Contractors Investment Recipients Honor For Honor Among The River Powers That Be. Let Those That Do Speak Of The Image Of The Sport And River Communities Through Advertising, Performance, And Social Media. Accounting And Auditing Will Be Covered By The Necessary Organizations Within River Communities As Well. All Self Regulating Organizations Must Show Transparency In Association With All Other Organizations They Are Working With Soaring The Honor Of The Code Of Ethics In The Dream-Scope Reality Of The Sports Organizational Charter Sewing The Seeds Of The River Valley Flights Abundance Of Commodities. The Fire Blue Heron Soul O Go Shepherd Vision Seeing Compliance With Investment Companies Future Finding Credit Ratings. Astounding Tourist Sight Seeing Custody Investment Advisor Company Reliance Procuring Derivatives Of Actions And Words, For Product Lines And Services In The Valleys Flights Up Through Below Prospering Abundance In The River Spots Flowing Through The Universe This Distribution And Servicing Arrangements For This Sport. Call On River Ruler Entertainment In The Emergencies Situations With River Community Counterparts Will Be There. Fully Granted Employee Benefits Are Better To Work With Them Rather Than Against Them. Employee Securities Companies Built Right In When Its True Work And True Passion. The River Community Family Offices In The Dance With Rivers In Human Nature, One Can't Just Tell Us How Many Millions Of Things Start With Just One But They Can Show Us. In The Dance With The Universe Flowing Through The River Reaching Out Below To Uplift And Hold Us Up In Bodily Proof Hard Evidence Thrusting Up River. Insured Investments Protecting Not Possessing Stars Of New River Days Night Flowing To Make A Difference From Whose Actions We Watch On Who Themselves Are Stars Of A New Day To Bring Home The Reflections On The Waters Rising From The Mountain Standing Proud When They Ride Like True Passion's Flames Lighting Up The River Dancing From The Mountain To The Valley To Bring Stars Of A New Day. Give Us This Day International Investment Adviser's General Jobs Act Adherence For Our Sport. The All About The Matching The Current And Extensions Fluctuation Up Slashing The River Rapids Into Matching Momentum With The Over Powering We Will Die If We Don't Is Wisdom How Is That A Religion Let Alone A Way To Control A Country We Cannot Let The People That Live Now In The Rivers Life Reflections Riding Through Pass By Missed For The Sights We Will See All Tribes Getting Along Sharing There Rides And Shaping To The Currents Surging Intensity Within Rapids Rising River Deep Connection With There Surroundings In The River Slinging Words And Rides Rising Up River The Occasions Such Sights Seen Where Actions And Repertoire Crouching, Pouncing And Rising Flights Through The Roaring Rapids River Deep Are Seen As The Image Within The Sport To Rise To The Occasion  And Champion The Sport In The Surging Rivers Fire Blue Heron Up Flights Channels Connections With Offering The Sport Up To The Powers That Be From The Rising River Deep And Not Just One Over All We Will Be Magnanimous Athletes Gilding Our Sport To All River Civilizations And Cultures Throughout The World  Forming A Bonding Stronghold To Rise Against Oppression From One Sided Two Faced Points Of View. Let Rather Who So Few Knew, Knew More And Had To Do More. The Extensions Tension Pulling Into Will Mount The Ride That Will Win The Stars Of New Days It Pays To Pay To Play Evenly With Payment Plans And Listen To All These Fathers And Mothers Child's Dreams In River Communities We Just Want To Ride That Purity Of The Sacred River Roaring Rapids River Deep Rising Slipstreams Ennobling Devout  Keepers Of The Rivers Flying Through These River Dreams Beneath The Feet On The Boards We Will Ride Together In The Tether Together Toward Where We Ride What So Simply Fits Up Lifting Slipstreams Riding On Immersion River Into This Will Be A Way For O Circle Journey's Where The Sky Meets The Waters Rippling Through Rapids Propelling The Momentum Balance Acts Of Aggression Given Proper Place Amidst The Roaring Rapids Where The Purest Parts Of Rivers Are The Divine Light Glimmer Of Suns Rippling On The Waters Shining In The Whole Light Of Day Rides The Stars Of New Days Rides For The New Generations Will Rise The Ride Even At The Meetings With The River Sitter Tribes Sharing River Wisdom And Performances With The Fire Blue Heron Vision For River Trade Concentration, Diversification For Portfolio Investment Securities Tethered River Board Rapid Surfing River Ruler Entertainment On The Rise. River Trade Investment Management Liquidity Roaring Rapids River Souls Fire Blue Beaked Organizational Justice Orders Fulfilling Obligations In The River Deep Rising Flights Catching To One Another In The Offering Of The Sport To The Powers That Be To Leverage Names And Rules That Protect Privacy And Guard Against Identity Theft When The Imaginations Creations With The Earthly Creatures Actions In The Essence Within Individuals As Employees Tethered Together In The River Ruler Private Into Funds Bodily Currency In Motion With The River Industry Investment Return Information With The Prospectus Delivery Upon Proxy,Voting At The River Locals Shareholders River Board Meetings At The Real Estates Rivers Going Deep. Pockets Rising Into Equilibrium With Personal Integrity Record Keeping Of Freedoms Soul Redemptions From The Roaring Rapids River Deep Rising Securities Lending Best Execution. Send In The Matthews. All Here Now Plural Here Now In One Being, Flying Words Over Jeremy Roaring Rapids Of The River Deep Rising, Rides. These Ancient River Wisdoms Of River Culture Production Valuation For Products And Services In And Of These River Market Places Side To Side Swivel Up Through Side By Side River Wisdom Coincide Honor For Honor In River Communities. Shaping Too River Spot Specific Tourism With Products And Services Within Each Community With Senior Modern Securities Ancient And Modern Products With Quality Services Reside Best Execution For Soft Dollars To All Coincide In The River Market Place Currency Profit Sharing Of Sacred River Temple Market Places Non Plundering Agreement Dancing Currency Exchange Through This Sport Into Existence For Solicitation And Referral Agreements And Arrangements. Status Of Existence As River Ruler Entertainment Sacred River Temples Standing Out While Working Within The Sport And The River Surrounding Culture Silence Has No Existence In The Offering Investment Company Best Interests. Let Us Speak Up And Out On The River Market Place Rise For Business And Environmental River Community Tribal Justice Through This Sport. So We Can Trade With Other River Tribes In Honor Of The Rivers Being The Original Highways Of The Earth To Learn From And Trade With Other Tribes On As Advisors And Managers Concerning Trade Issues With Principal Agencies Throughout The World On River Locations Unit Investment Trusts River Spot Specific Market Valuations, Contribution And Significance Becoming Market Specific As Ways Of Life To River Locals Through This Sport Whether Through Wrap Accounts Or Separately Managed Accounts. Let Be What Be Already There Where We Ride Up River Through The Roaring Rapids River Deeps. Surf On, Rock On, Tether Together Rising Rides On Tethered Rapid Boards For Whole Sets Of Rapids Not Just One Standing Wave In The Set. Signing The Writers Lines Dropping The Anchor In The Tether Together, Lets Ride. The Carving Guts Of The Rapids Edges Of The Boards, Slashing Underneath, Up Above And On The Set Of Rapids Insertions Up Into The Momentum Balancing And Timing With The River Actions Steering Toward Primal Essence In Defiance Of Lack Of Self Mastery Reflected In The Waters Of The Roaring Rapids River Deep Rising Up Into Within The Rivers We Ride. Let Be Keepers Of River Civilizations; Keepers Of Balance With Nature Be, Keepers Of River Civilizations Honor For Honor Be. Each River Community Business And Organization Sponsors Their Own Coed All Age Groups. Ages 18 And Under Must Have Release Form Permission Slips Signed By Parents And Agree That Equal Payment And Rewards Goes To Everybody Paid Equally On The Teams Should The Team. With The Names Of The Business In Front Of One Of The River Creature River Ruler Entertainment Mascots Such As The Name Of Your Company Blue Herons. 

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