Friday, August 22, 2014

Fwd: Headlines: Emergency Department Visits Linked to Zolpidem Overmedication Rise

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From: SAMHSA <>
Date: Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 10:13 AM
Subject: Headlines: Emergency Department Visits Linked to Zolpidem Overmedication Rise

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SAMHSA Headlines  •  1-877-SAMHSA-7 (1-877-726-4727) August 21, 2014
News  |   Upcoming Events  |   Resources  |   Contact Us

Emergency Department Visits Linked to Zolpidem Overmedication Nearly Doubled

New SAMHSA study shows the estimated number of emergency department visits involving zolpidem overmedication (taking more than the prescribed amount) nearly doubled from 21,824 visits in 2005–2006 to 42,274 visits in 2009–2010.

State/Federal Effort To Reduce Illegal Tobacco Sales to Minors Remains Effective

A new report on the Synar Amendment program—a federal and state partnership aimed at ending illegal tobacco sales to minors—shows that all the states and the District of Columbia continue to meet their goals of preventing sales of tobacco to those under age 18.

SAMHSA's "KnowBullying" App Helps Parents and Others Prevent Bullying

The free smartphone app provides parents, caretakers, educators, and others with information and communication support to help prevent bullying and build resilience in children.

Upcoming Events

Webinar: Mental Health First Aid: A Strategy for Communities

Register to learn about the Mental Health First Aid program's primary goal: train people with actionable steps to help others who may be experiencing a mental health concern or who are in crisis. Attendees will hear how three organizations have sought and strengthened local partnerships, garnered funding, and increased their prominence in the community through their marketing and delivery of Mental Health First Aid.


Webinar: The Desktop Guide to Quality Practice for Working With Youth in Confinement Facilities

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention-sponsored National Center for Youth in Custody will present this 90-minute webinar that will discuss a resource guide for computers and mobile reading devices to help facility leadership and staff meet the needs of youth in custody.


Webinar: The Use of Peer Support in State Correctional Facilities Part 1: Exemplary Models of Peer Support to Incarcerated Persons With Mental Illness

Learn about the innovative and successful peer support programs that the Iowa Department of Corrections and the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections have developed and implemented in many of their state correctional facilities.

Take Action Against Hepatitis C

Take Action Against Hepatitis C: For People in Recovery From Mental Illness or Addiction

Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program (CCP) (Spanish Version)

Tips for Survivors of a Disaster or Traumatic Event: What To Expect in Your Personal, Family, Work, and Financial Life (Spanish Version)

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United States Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration
1 Choke Cherry Road  |  Rockville, MD 20857  |  1-877-SAMHSA-7 (1-877-726-4727)  |

SAMHSA is a public health agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Its mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's communities.

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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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