Monday, July 21, 2014

Fwd: Nanojuice: Getting a Real-Time View of GI Motility

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From: National Institutes of Health (NIH) <>
Date: Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 6:48 AM
Subject: Nanojuice: Getting a Real-Time View of GI Motility

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07/15/2014 09:00 AM EDT
A real-time image of nanojuice as it passes through a mouse's small intestine. A laser causes particles in the nanojuice to vibrate, creating vibrations picked up by an ultrasound detector that are then used to generate a black-and-white image. Rainbow colors are added afterward to reflect the depth of the intestine within the mouse's abdomen: blue is closest to the surface and red is deepest.
For those of you who love to try new juices, you've probably checked out acai, goji berry, and maybe even cold-pressed kale. But have you heard of nanojuice? While it's not a new kind of health food, this scientific invention may someday help to improve human health through its power to visualize the action of […]


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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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