Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Fwd: New WTO TBT Notifications For You on 8/19/2014

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From: <notifyus@nist.gov>
Date: Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 2:00 AM
Subject: New WTO TBT Notifications For You on 8/19/2014
To: iammejtm@gmail.com

Hello iammejtm@gmail.com
Please go to Notify U.S. and sign in to your personalized home page to view your new and recent WTO TBT notifications:
Fast access to your notifications? Use the "Countries" tab! Your new Notify U.S. WTO TBT notifications on 8/19/2014:

(1) Notification Number: COL/191/Add.2 (Colombia)
Date Issued: 8/14/2014
Products: Food products
Title: Draft Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Resolution Laying down regulations under Article 126 of Decree-Law No. 019 of 2012 and issuing other provisions

(2) Notification Number: HKG/46 (Hong Kong, China)
Date Issued: 8/14/2014
Products: Room air conditioners (HS 8415.10, 8415.81), Refrigerating appliances (HS 8418.10, 8418.21), and Washing machines (HS 8450.11.10, 8450.11.20, 8450.12)
Title: Draft Revision of Code of Practice on Energy Labelling of Products for Room Air Conditioners, Refrigerating Appliances and Washing Machines

(3) Notification Number: IDN/82/Add.1 (Indonesia)
Date Issued: 8/15/2014
Products: HS Ex. 7009.91.00.00; Ex. 7009.92.00.00
Title: Draft Decree of Minister of Industry on Mandatory Implementation of Indonesia National Standard for Aluminium coated flat-glass mirror

(4) Notification Number: IDN/83/Add.1 (Indonesia)
Date Issued: 8/15/2014
Products: Silvered flat-glass mirror (HS Ex. 7009.91.00.00; Ex. 7009.92.00.00)
Title: Draft Decree of Minister of Industry on Mandatory Implementation of Indonesia National Standard for Silvered flat-glass mirror

(5) Notification Number: KWT/232 (Kuwait)
Date Issued: 8/15/2014
Products: Red hot pepper paste (Harissa)
Title: The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf Draft Technical Regulation for "Red Hot Pepper Paste (Harissa)"

(6) Notification Number: KWT/233 (Kuwait)
Date Issued: 8/15/2014
Products: Edible olive oil and olive pomace oil
Title: The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf Draft Technical Regulation for "Edible olive oil and olive pomace oil"

(7) Notification Number: MEX/196/Add.1 (Mexico)
Date Issued: 8/5/2014
Products: Natural gas
Title: Mexican Official Standard NOM-001-SECRE-2010: Specifications for Natural Gas (annuls and replaces NOM-001-SECRE-2003: Natural Gas Quality, and NOM-EM-002-SECRE-2009: Natural Gas Quality in Times of Serious Emergency

(8) Notification Number: PRY/80 (Paraguay)
Date Issued: 8/14/2014
Products: Power cables with extruded insulation for rated voltages
Title: Draft Technical Regulation concerning the manufacture, importation and marketing of power cables with extruded insulation for rated voltages

If you need assistance, please email: notifyus@nist.gov

Thank you!
Notify U.S. at NCSCI/NIST
National Center for Standards and Certification Information (NCSCI)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
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Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2100
Telephone: + (1 301) 975 4040
Email: notifyus@nist.gov
On the Internet: Notify U.S.

Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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